My mother's resilience in the face of life's trials, numerous surgeries, and the challenges of managing Type 2 Diabetes is nothing short of miraculous. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to still have her in my life. During a recent visit back home, I was inspired to write this Friday-fix issue centred on Type 2 Diabetes. (You can read it here.) My goal was twofold: to shed light on the possibility of preventing this life-altering condition and to provide practical steps to achieve that goal.

But what about my health? What is my exposure or risk when it comes to Type 2 Diabetes? We understand that sugar doesn't directly cause Type 2 diabetes, but it certainly exerts a significant influence on insulin levels, the pancreas, and the liver. While I've consistently upheld a routine of regular exercise and what I believed to be a balanced diet, I came to the realisation that it was high time to put my dietary assumptions to the test and examine what I consume and how it impacts my body.

Like most people, I love treats like ice cream, chips, and cookies on occasion. However, I started to question the true balance of my sugar intake. What if I were to eliminate sugar from my diet for a while? How would it impact me? I was confident it wouldn't make much of a difference, but I was in for a surprise.
Over the past few weeks, I embarked on a 21-day sugar detox program created by Diane Sanfilippo. The transformation in my overall health and well-being has been quite remarkable.
The food on this plan was satisfying and I never felt hungry. However, I did grapple with evening cravings that required my determination to conquer. The key to success, I discovered, lies in preparing food in advance. Despite these cravings, I remained resolute. The plan allows for customization, as long as it adheres to the Yes/No food list.
As I progressed through the detox, I noticed improvements in my sleep and energy levels, but I did experience withdrawal headaches and mild flu-like symptoms around Day 4, as the author had warned. Nonetheless, my body was swiftly adapting to the absence of sugar, maintaining consistent energy levels. Within 24 hours, the cold/flu-like symptoms had eased. While I missed the occasional sugar treat and a beer (yes, no alcohol for 21 days!), the benefits I felt far outweighed these short-term temptations. My sleep, energy, skin, digestion, and concentration all showed noticeable improvements.
The most crucial lesson I've learned from these 21 days is the significance of focusing on what you eliminate from your diet rather than constantly seeking supplements or additions. In the past, I was quick to add various supplements to my diet, thinking they were the key to better health. However, I've come to realise that it's the small changes, the things you remove, and the mindful choices you make that can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.
Is my "no sugar" journey here to stay? Not entirely, but I will be seeking out more sources of natural sugar. The days of buying processed foods are over but I will continue to enjoy a good beer!
Here are some examples of the food from the menu (yes! these are my photos:)

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